Article: Teen dating Conversation Part 1 - Welcome To Infotainnet

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Saturday 7 February 2015

Article: Teen dating Conversation Part 1

Him: Sir, I'm just over 19 years old, in 200 level. I love this girl which I am hoping to get married to, and we are just hanging around. Can't we date as teens?

Me: Teen dating is like a man who went to farm without a sharp instrument. Teen dating is like a woman who went out with rumpled clothes because she couldn't wait for her clothes to be ironed. Teen dating is a young man or woman who feels love, but is yet to define who is he, and what the wants in life, and thus can't conclude who should be with him in life. Teen dating is hopping into a next available taxi, without know where its heading to, just because you want to get out of where you are. Teen dating is an invitation to misuse of time, focus, and misplaced priorities. Teen dating is doing a good thing at a wrong time.Him: But Sir, believe me, there will be no sex, no romance, and we both are Christians. Are you saying it is still a sin before God?

Me: It is beyond the issue of sin before God. It is a waste of purpose and 20 years and year two, marriage should not be your are just hanging around aimlessness....even if there is no sex and no romance, is a distraction and a hindrance to discover your full potential.... and since the journey to marriage will still require another 5 to 7 years, either of two things will happen,.....either you will burn each other out for lack of intimacy,.....and you will cross into intimacy, and finally start having little kisses, romances and finally sex... either way, you would have wasted your time...

Him: But Sir, don't you think teens should at least have an experience in other to know how to handle future relationships in the future?

Me: We don't get experience of how to avoid accidents by getting into an accident. We don't have to learn by the path of experience. People who wait to learn by experience come out with broken arms, broken legs, and broken hearts. Experience, is a bad teacher. We learn best by reading from books of people before us. Scripture says, the things that are written are done for our learning, that through READING, we might have hope. I don't have to contact Ebola, HIV and go to Hell on earth, before I know it's wrong. Please don't buy that fake lie. U need no such experience. Does a fish attend swimming classes? Please go through the path of wisdom.

Him: Okay Sir, so what is this path of wisdom and how can I get prepared for marriage in the right way?

Me: The journey to godly relationship that will lead to bliss is loaded in principles of God. I have taken time to document seven key principles that must be in place before you fall in love, or better still, before you allow your emotions to run into love. Get my book, WHAT THE RABBIT DID NOT KNOW, and HI CAN WE BE FRIENDS. 

Him: Thank you Sir, I will get the books right away.

Me: May God empower you to sit down and read such strategic materials and invest wisely into your future. God bless you, and cause you to have an open heart to receive wisdom in Jesus name. Amen.
Credits: Tekena Ikoko
             Single But Not Stupid(SBNS)

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