DIPLOMATIC WAR: EU Ambassador to Russia Recalled As European Leaders Back May Against Moscow - Welcome To Infotainnet

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Friday 23 March 2018

DIPLOMATIC WAR: EU Ambassador to Russia Recalled As European Leaders Back May Against Moscow

The European Union ambassador to Russia has been recalled from Moscow after leaders on the continent threw their weight behind Theresa May’s stance over the Salisbury attack. Several EU member states were poised to announce expulsions of diplomats, in a bid to dismantle Vladimir Putin’s spy network.
Following a summit in Brussels to discuss the response to the Salisbury nerve agent attack, EU leaders gave their full-throated backing to the prime minister by adopting a statement declaring it was “highly likely Russia is responsible” for poisoning Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia. 
Donald Tusk, the president of the European council, tweeted that all leaders agreed Russia’s responsibility for the attack was highly likegly.

Donald Tusk(@eucopresident)
#EUCO agrees with UK government that highly likely Russia is responsible for #SalisburyAttack and that there is no other plausible explanation.
March 22, 2018

Member states of  the European Union are on the verge of also expelling Russian diplomats from their countries as they believe that Russia is culpable in the poisoning attack on Skripal and his daughter.
In a significant point for May, the statement goes further than a declaration by foreign ministers earlier this week, which avoided pinning the blame on Russia. British diplomats believe that a strong message of solidarity with the UK, from Russia’s closest European neighbours, will hit home with President Putin.
The Lithuanian president, Dalia GrybauskaitÄ—, said: “All of us, we are considering such measures.” She added that she had not congratulated Putin on his election victory.
On Thursday night the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, said the EU ambassador to Russia was being recalled to consult with Brussels over the Salisbury attack. Rutte said characterised this as a “measure” rather than a formal “sanction” against Moscow.
EU leaders discussed their response to the Salisbury poisoning over a European council summit dinner in Brussels. The UK prime minister told her fellow leaders the attack formed part of a long-term pattern of behaviour by Russia, and urged them to present a united front.

Source: The Guardian UK 

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